
Peppermania Business Card Seeds

The seeds attached to my business card could be just about anything I offer, past or present, Capsicum, of course.  I started doing it years ago as a little promo thing to remind folks of my Peppermania for their chile seeds and other chile pepper-phenalia.  It seems to get folks' attention as I get lots of inquiries about them.  The black seeds are  Manzano C pubescens, the rest are collected from pods I forget the ID - got mixed up, I get tired of sorting, get Hunan Hand, have excess quantity or seeds that flick on the table, the mix is ever changing.  I don't cull them like the seeds I offer on my site.  Many folks grow them, find new favorites and send photos for ID.

1 comment:

  1. What a cool thing to do with those strays!

    I am forever finishing up & on pickup finding one or two "jumpers" which I dutifully gather into a "unknown" labeled coin envelope - to be planted "someday".
