
Oh Stuck! My Seed Cap Won't Let Go!

After years of starting chiles seeds and countless stuck seed caps there is one thing I have learned to be certain, leave that soldier to his own accord and he will take care of matters on his own.  There is a much better rate of survival of that little seedling just letting it grow out of that fearful constraint of a stuck seed cap than if you decide to become the "Hawkeye" of seedling surgery.  Chances are that if you take it upon yourself to tweeze and squeeze, tug and toil, you are going to put that little guy to an unmerciful death.  No matter how tempting it may be to get that seed cap off, leave it alone.  Just give it a little nursing assist and spritz with water or swab with spit to moisten.  In just a little bit of time those cotyledon leaves will overcome and kick that cap to the dirt and spread his wings.  Trust me in this truth.
Please pardon the cat hair!  As you can see, even the true leaves have come to join this battle.  Resist all temptation to become a seedling surgeon!


Peppermania Business Card Seeds

The seeds attached to my business card could be just about anything I offer, past or present, Capsicum, of course.  I started doing it years ago as a little promo thing to remind folks of my Peppermania for their chile seeds and other chile pepper-phenalia.  It seems to get folks' attention as I get lots of inquiries about them.  The black seeds are  Manzano C pubescens, the rest are collected from pods I forget the ID - got mixed up, I get tired of sorting, get Hunan Hand, have excess quantity or seeds that flick on the table, the mix is ever changing.  I don't cull them like the seeds I offer on my site.  Many folks grow them, find new favorites and send photos for ID.

Planting By The Moon

When do we set our chiles seeds in Peppermania Texas?
We plant our seeds during the waxing of the Moon, about 3 days before the Full Moon phase.  We find that we get the fastest and best germination when we sow our seeds at this time.

Why do we sow our seeds during the waxing of the Moon?
Just as the moon affects rise and fall of the tides, it also causes the moisture in the soil to rise in a more subtle way.

Planting of "above ground" crops, including peppers is best at the waxing of the Moon (as the Moon approaches Full Moon phase).
Planting of "below ground" crops is best at the waning of the Moon (after the Full Moon phase).

2012 Moon Phase Calendar At The Old Farmer's Almanac

Read More and Order or Download A Colorful Gardening By The Moon Calendar Here (No Affiliation)


Migas In The Morning, My Way

For a very long time, Migas were one of those mystery foods to me, with mysterious animal parts served for breakfast, something like Menudo.  No Tripe Face Boogie for me unless it’s Little Feat.  In my “skinny days”, I drove through the Taco Cabana daily for a bag of  breakfast tacos.  Migas were on the menu but I was afraid to ask what was in them for fear of ruining my hearty appetite.  I would often see them listed on the menu at my local taqueria, taco shop, but I still would not be brave to ask.

A Chile Gardener's Happy New Year

A Chile Gardener’s Happy New Year

H abaneros, Bhuts, Scorpions and Bonnets never ending
A bundant beneficials to keep the foes at bay
P erfect planting for the perfect harvest
P lentiful pods for you and for sharing
Y esterday’s buds become tomorrow’s pods

N ever a pepper pest nor disease
E arly ripening of all your favorite chiles
W arm sunshine and fertile soil

Y eppers, Peppers! Happy Chilehead New Year
E xtended season for those pods slow to ripen
A lways have time to tend the chile garden
R ain when your chile garden needs it

Happy New Year To All

I wish the very best in 2010 to my cherished friends and family...

H ours of happy times with friends and family
A bundant time for relaxation
P rosperity
P lenty of love when you need it the most
Y outhful excitement at lifes simple pleasures

N ights of restful slumber (you know - don't worry be happy)
E verything you need
W ishing you love and light

Y ears and years of good health
E njoyment and mirth
A ngels to watch over you
R embrances of a happy years!